Enrico Maria Giordano
2015-02-17 18:21:53 UTC
2015-02-17 19:15 UTC+0100 Enrico Maria Giordano
* contrib\tipssl\smtpcln.prg
! removed lOk unused initialization in METHOD OpenSecure
EMAG Software Homepage: http://www.emagsoftware.it
The EMG Music page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/emgmusic
The EMG's ZX-Spectrum Page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/spectrum
The Best of Spectrum Games: http://www.emagsoftware.it/tbosg
* contrib\tipssl\smtpcln.prg
! removed lOk unused initialization in METHOD OpenSecure
EMAG Software Homepage: http://www.emagsoftware.it
The EMG Music page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/emgmusic
The EMG's ZX-Spectrum Page: http://www.emagsoftware.it/spectrum
The Best of Spectrum Games: http://www.emagsoftware.it/tbosg